Sunday, January 15, 2017

Dear Band Parents,

Here is the plan for this week in band at Hawley Middle School.

End of the Quarter is Friday!
     The end of the grading quarter is this Friday.  Any incomplete playing tests must be completed by Friday.

In the Band Room
     6th Grade:  I sent you an email last week stating that we are changing our last test of the quarter to #6.04 instead of #6.05, as we have not had time to get 6.05 ready thanks to the snow days.  So we will knock out 6.04 this week, and continue learning the other fun songs in Chapter 6.

     7th Grade:  We have been working through Chapter 13 and 14, in which we begin to learn the notes of our upper register and build embouchure strength so we can hit those notes consistently.  We are working up to the songs in Chapter 15, which we will probably start this week.  Our final two tests of the quarter will be:
- Clarinets:  14.06 and 14.11
- Everyone else:  13.03 and 13.04

     8th Grade:  We are working on music for our next concert.  We started rehearsing "Tears of Arizona" by Brian Balmages last week, and will continue to work through it this week.  Anyone who as not passed off #16.01 needs to do it by Friday, which is the end of the quarter.

Dr. King Day
     Oscar Peterson is one of my very favorite jazz musicians.  Take a moment to listen to "Hymn To Freedom" on this important day.