Sunday, April 30, 2017

This week in band - April 30, 2017

Dear Band Parents,

Here is the plan for this week in band at Hawley Middle School.

Dress Clothes for the Concert
     Our final concert of the year is next Thursday, May 11.  This is just a reminder to please make sure your child has their black & white dress attire.

5th Grader "Instrument Tryout Night" this Tuesday
     Our last night for 5th graders to come try out instruments and sign up for band is this Tuesday, May 2.  
     If you know anyone who has a child in 5th grade, please tell them about this and encourage them to come learn about band.  Word-of-mouth is the most powerful "advertisement", so you can really make a difference with our recruiting efforts for next year.  Thank you!

Jazz Band events
1.  Saturday, May 20, 11:00 - 11:30am.  We will play at the community fair day at Creedmoor United Methodist Church in Creedmoor.
2.  Monday, June 5, time TBA.  We will play at the Art Show at Hawley Middle School.  Details are still being worked out.

Marching Band

     If your child is interested in being a member of the SGHS Marching Band next year, they need to attend the "Rookie Band Camp" at SGHS May 15-19 from 4:00-6:00. This is like how our athletic teams have "open practices" before tryouts. Your child will get to know Mr. Maston and the student leaders in the band, and they will be taught the basic skills of marching.
     Everyone who wants to do marching band next year is expected to be there.
     Please contact Mr. Maston at if you have any questions. Thank you!
     I previously shared info about our 7th graders joining the marching band next year as 8th graders.  You can see that info here:

In the Band Room
     All bands:  our concert is next week, so we will be rehearsing concert music.  It is going to be an amazing concert, I can tell you, all of our bands sound amazing.  And James Swearingen is coming to teach a clinic and conduct at the concert!!!

     Old Stuff

Sign Up To Receive Class Announcements By Text Message
On your cell phone, send a text message to the phone number   81010
Send the message   @HawleyBa16    to sign up for 6th grade messages
..............................  @HawleyBa15    to sign up for 7th grade messages
............................... @HawleyBa14    to sign up for 8th grade messages

Band Facebook page
     If you are an active Facebook user, please go here and "like" / "follow" our band page:

Download This App, Please
     Students should download the free app  Bandmate Chromatic Tuner  on their Apple or Android phone, tablet, iPod, etc.  This is an app I designed.  We will use it regularly in class, and students should use it regularly at home while they practice to check if they are playing the correct notes.

Thursday, May 11:  6th, 7th, and 8th grade band Concert.  Location is the South Granville High School auditorium.  Students arrive at 6:30, concert starts at 7:00.

Saturday, May 13:  Carowinds Festival of Music, 8th grade only.  Students meet in the band room at 8:00am, will return around 10:30pm.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

This Week In Band - April 23, 2017

Dear Band Parents,

Here is the plan for this week in band at Hawley Middle School.

6th Grade Will Play For Incoming 5th Graders - Help Needed!
     Every year, the incoming 5th graders visit Hawley for a tour of the school.  The 6th grade band traditionally performs for them, as a way to get them excited and recruit as many of them as possible.  This is happening on Tuesday this week.
     I need to set up the chairs and music stands in the gym on Monday after school.  If I could get some help from some of our 6th graders, we could knock it out in just a few minutes.  If your child would like to help, they can be picked up at 4:15.  Thank you!

5th Grader "Instrument Tryout Nights"
     If you or your friends have a 5th grader coming to Hawley next year, mark either April 27 or May 2 on the calendar.  This is when we will host our "instrument tryout nights", in which 5th graders can try out all the instruments to see which one "fits" them the best.  They do not have to come to both nights, just come to one or the other.
     If you know anyone who has a child in 5th grade, please tell them about this and encourage them to come learn about band.  Word-of-mouth is the most powerful "advertisement", so you can really make a difference with our recruiting efforts for next year.  Thank you!

Jazz Band events - changes!
    The athletic awards night date was changed to the same week as our concert, Carowinds trip, and hosting James Swearingen.  As a result, we will not be able to play for this event as planned.
     However we have been asked to play at another event.  On June 5, Hawley is hosting an art show for the art club, and some language arts students will present their compositions.  I will share more details about where and when, once I get them.
     Saturday, May 20, there is a community fun day (looks like a small fair type of thing) at Creedmoor United Methodist Church.  This is going to be a big event, and we have been asked to be a part of it.  I should have more details later this week.

Marching Band
     If your child is interested in being a member of the SGHS Marching Band next year, they need to attend the "Rookie Band Camp" at SGHS May 15-19 from 4:00-6:00. This is like how our athletic teams have "open practices" before tryouts. Your child will get to know Mr. Maston and the student leaders in the band, and they will be taught the basic skills of marching.
     Everyone who wants to do marching band next year is expected to be there.
     Please contact Mr. Maston at if you have any questions. Thank you!
     Last week I shared info about our 7th graders joining the marching band next year as 8th graders.  You can see that info here:

You can now be in both band and chorus
     Dr. Carraway and I are excited to announce that Hawley is changing its policy about students being in both band and chorus.  Starting next year, students CAN be in both classes!
     The state law requires that students get a certain amount of physical activity in their schedule.  Parents who opt to place their child in both band and chorus will do so with the understanding that the patio recess time fulfills this requirement.
     Thanks to Dr. Carraway for giving Hawley students this opportunity in the arts!

In the Band Room
     6th Grade:  We need to do a playing test on "Someone Stole My Music".  We will do that on Wednesday this week.  The test will be m. 33-end.
     We will review and rehearse all four of our concert pieces this week, in addition to this test.  

     7th Grade:  We need to do a playing test on "Tambora", which we are doing instead of "Corps of Discovery".  We will do this Wednesday.  A recording of the piece can be found online to help your child practice:
And don't forget to use Bandmate to check your notes!

     8th Grade:  This week we will finish learning "Carolina Legend" by James Swearingen.  We will have a playing test on Thursday.  A recording of the piece can be found online to help your child practice:
And don't forget to use Bandmate to check your notes!

     Jazz Band:  This week we will assign solos for "The Band Room Smells Weird Blues".  We will also continue learning how to improvise blues solos.  We will also do some work re-arranging "Summertime" for a special guest vocalist for our May 20 event.

     Old Stuff

Sign Up To Receive Class Announcements By Text Message
On your cell phone, send a text message to the phone number   81010
Send the message   @HawleyBa16    to sign up for 6th grade messages
..............................  @HawleyBa15    to sign up for 7th grade messages
............................... @HawleyBa14    to sign up for 8th grade messages

Band Facebook page
     If you are an active Facebook user, please go here and "like" / "follow" our band page:

Download This App, Please
     Students should download the free app  Bandmate Chromatic Tuner  on their Apple or Android phone, tablet, iPod, etc.  This is an app I designed.  We will use it regularly in class, and students should use it regularly at home while they practice to check if they are playing the correct notes.

Thursday, May 11:  6th, 7th, and 8th grade band Concert.  Location is the South Granville High School auditorium.  Students arrive at 6:30, concert starts at 7:00.

Saturday, May 13:  Carowinds Festival of Music, 8th grade only.  Students meet in the band room at 8:00am, will return around 10:30pm.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Joining SGHS Marching Band as an 8th Grader

Dear 7th grade band parents,

Next year, your child is eligible to be a member of the South Granville High School Marching Band as an 8th grader.  This is something that Mr. Maston (the band director at SGHS) has allowed for several years, and it is a great opportunity for our talented students.  

Your child will need a ride from Hawley to SGHS after school, because they will be expected to attend all after school practices, as well as the home football games, parades, and Saturday band competitions.  This year, several of our 8th graders arranged a car pool with each other, so that is an option too.

If you are interested, your child should attend the "Rookie Band Camp" at SGHS May 15-19 from 4:00-6:00.  This is not a commitment, this is not you signing up for marching band.  Think of it like how our athletic teams have "open practices" before tryouts.  Your child will get to know Mr. Maston and the student leaders in the band, they will be taught the basic skills of marching, and then they can decide if this is something they want to do next year.

The 8th graders who take advantage of this opportunity quickly become the best musicians in our band program every year.  They learn so much and develop their skills on their instrument from playing next to the high school students, and the high school students go out of their way to help and teach the "rookies" everything they can.  The SGHS marching band has an incredibly positive, nurturing student culture that way.  I hope you will consider allowing your child to be a part of this award-winning band of dedicated, fun, caring, hard-working student musicians.  

Contact Mr. Maston at if you have any questions.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

This Week In Band - April 16, 2017

Dear Band Parents,

Here is the plan for this week in band at Hawley Middle School.

The next 4 weeks
     Our final concert of the year is 4 weeks away.  I am going to push the kids hard to make this the best concert we have ever done.  Please make sure your child is practicing their instrument at home every week!

Jazz Band events
     There are a few events in May at which our Jazz Band has asked to perform:  
     Thursday, May 18 is the spring Athletic Awards night at Hawley.  The jazz band has traditionally played for about 20 minutes before the awards start, as people are coming in.  Jazz band members can go home after we play, you do not have to stay for the awards if you are not involved in spring athletics.  
     Saturday, May 20, there is a community fun day (looks like a small fair type of thing) at Creedmoor United Methodist Church.  This is going to be a big event, and we have been asked to be a part of it.  I should have more details later this week.

5th Grader "Instrument Tryout Nights"
     If you or your friends have a 5th grader coming to Hawley next year, mark either April 27 or May 2 on the calendar.  This is when we will host our "instrument tryout nights", in which 5th graders can try out all the instruments to see which one "fits" them the best.  They do not have to come to both nights, just come to one or the other.

In the Band Room
     6th Grade:  We need to do a playing test on "To A New Beginning".  We will do that on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  Remember that in addition to using Bandmate to check their notes, students can listen to the recording of the music online to hear if they are playing it correctly:
     We will review and rehearse all four of our concert pieces this week, in addition to this test.  I am really proud of how well this group did with our new 4th piece last week!

     7th Grade:  Our goal this week is to be able to play our 4th piece, "Corps of Discovery", from beginning to end with correct notes and rhythms, by the end of the week.  This is an achievable goal if everyone works hard in class and practices at home.  Expect a playing test next week.

     8th Grade:  We have five pieces of music for our final concert: the three we are taking to the Carowinds festival, and two by James Swearingen.  We will do a playing test on "Gates of Orion" this week.  Our other goal is to be able to play "Carolina Legend" with correct notes and rhythms, from beginning to end, by the end of the week.  Expect a playing test next week.

     Jazz Band:  I have another song I would like to add this week, "The Band Room Smells Weird Blues".  We will work on it this week, and start learning about improvising blues solos.

     Old Stuff

Sign Up To Receive Class Announcements By Text Message
On your cell phone, send a text message to the phone number   81010
Send the message   @HawleyBa16    to sign up for 6th grade messages
..............................  @HawleyBa15    to sign up for 7th grade messages
............................... @HawleyBa14    to sign up for 8th grade messages

Band Facebook page
     If you are an active Facebook user, please go here and "like" / "follow" our band page:

Download This App, Please
     Students should download the free app  Bandmate Chromatic Tuner  on their Apple or Android phone, tablet, iPod, etc.  This is an app I designed.  We will use it regularly in class, and students should use it regularly at home while they practice to check if they are playing the correct notes.

Tuesday, April 4:  8th grade only, $95 for the Carowinds Festival of Music is due.  Checks payable to "Hawley Middle School."

Thursday, May 11:  6th, 7th, and 8th grade band Concert.  Location is the South Granville High School auditorium.  Students arrive at 6:30, concert starts at 7:00.

Saturday, May 13:  Carowinds Festival of Music, 8th grade only.  Students meet in the band room at 8:00am, will return around 10:30pm.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

This week in band - April 2, 2017

Dear Band Parents,

Here is the plan for this week in band at Hawley Middle School.

T-shirt and Sweatshirt Order due Tuesday
     We will do one more order of our band t-shirts and sweatshirts.  Some of our 8th graders may need to order a shirt to wear at Carowinds.  Anyone is welcome to add to the order.  I have order forms in the band room, and they can also be printed from my website

8th Grade Carowinds $95 due Tuesday
     Students going to the Carowinds Festival of Music need to turn in their $95 by April 4.  Checks payable to "Hawley Middle School".

Jazz Band events!
     There are a few events in May at which our Jazz Band has asked to perform:  
     Thursday, May 18 is the spring Athletic Awards night at Hawley.  The jazz band has traditionally played for about 20 minutes before the awards start, as people are coming in.  Jazz band members can go home after we play, you do not have to stay for the awards if you are not involved in spring athletics.  
     Saturday, May 20, there is a community fun day (looks like a small fair type of thing) at Creedmoor United Methodist Church.  This is going to be a big event, and we have been asked to be a part of it.  I should have more details later this week.

5th Grader "Instrument Tryout Nights"
     If you or your friends have a 5th grader coming to Hawley next year, mark either April 27 or May 2 on the calendar.  This is when we will host our "instrument tryout nights", in which 5th graders can try out all the instruments to see which one "fits" them the best.  They do not have to come to both nights, just come to one or the other.

In the Band Room
     6th Grade:  Because it is a short week (early release on Friday), we are going to punt our "To A New Beginning" playing test to after spring break.  We need to play as much as possible this week.  This weekend, I wrote a new song for this band, and we are going to give it a shot on Monday.  It's been stuck in my head all weekend, which usually means it's a keeper.

     7th Grade:  I ordered a new piece of music for this band, and I am hoping that it will come in the mail this week.  We have plenty to do in the meantime.  Last week we learned the ending of "Cake", but we need lots of reps so we remember it.  I am genuinely impressed that this band has been able to handle this very complicated piece.  We will have playing tests on these pieces after spring break.

     8th Grade:  Because it is a short week (early release on Friday), we are going to punt our "Gates of Orion" playing test to after spring break.  We need to play as much as possible this week.  We will rehearse the four pieces we have, focusing particularly on the percussion section (please practice at home!!!).  I also want to hand out one more piece by James Swearingen so that each of our bands are doing 2 of his compositions for the big concert.

     Jazz Band:  Over the past week, I wrote out 5 new solos for "These Foolish Things," so we will revisit that piece and add in the solos.  We will also rehearse our entire book, which is up to about 6 songs.

     Old Stuff

Sign Up To Receive Class Announcements By Text Message
On your cell phone, send a text message to the phone number   81010
Send the message   @HawleyBa16    to sign up for 6th grade messages
..............................  @HawleyBa15    to sign up for 7th grade messages
............................... @HawleyBa14    to sign up for 8th grade messages

Band Facebook page
     If you are an active Facebook user, please go here and "like" / "follow" our band page:

Download This App, Please
     Students should download the free app  Bandmate Chromatic Tuner  on their Apple or Android phone, tablet, iPod, etc.  This is an app I designed.  We will use it regularly in class, and students should use it regularly at home while they practice to check if they are playing the correct notes.

Tuesday, April 4:  8th grade only, $95 for the Carowinds Festival of Music is due.  Checks payable to "Hawley Middle School."

Thursday, May 11:  6th, 7th, and 8th grade band Concert.  Location is the South Granville High School auditorium.  Students arrive at 6:30, concert starts at 7:00.

Saturday, May 13:  Carowinds Festival of Music, 8th grade only.  Students meet in the band room at 8:00am, will return around 10:30pm.