Friday, December 2, 2016

Procedures for Concert Night

1. AFTER BAND CLASS:  On the day of our concert, students will take their band instruments and music folders after band class.  Students are responsible for bringing their instruments and music folders to the concert, and bringing them back after the concert.

2.  LOCATION AND TIME:  Students should arrive at South Granville High School, 701 Crescent Heights Drive in Creedmoor, at 6:30.  The performance will begin at 7:00.

3.  DRESS CODE:  All band students will wear formal black & white dress clothes for our concerts. Boys wear black pants and a white collared shirt (not a t-shirt). Ties are optional but highly recommended. Girls can wear a black dress, black dress pants and a white shirt, a black skirt, etc. Skirts should be long enough to cover the knees while sitting down. For our December concert, most kids wear Santa hats, but they are optional.  Failure to comply with the dress code may result in a student being dismissed from the concert.

4.  INSTRUMENT CASES:  For all instruments except Percussion, please leave your instrument cases in your car.  Unpack and put your instrument together in the car, and leave your case there.

5.  WHERE TO GO AT 6:30:  Sixth graders are first to perform, so they will report directly to the stage and sit in their usual chair.  They should not play their instruments until they are told to do so, and should not walk around and talk to their friends -- just stay in your seat once you are on stage.
Seventh and eighth graders should sit in the assigned section of the audience seats -- it will me marked with rope or tape.  Make sure seventh grade sits in the seventh grade section, and eighth grade sits in the eighth grade section.  Seventh and eighth graders are not allowed to play their instruments, except when it is their turn to tune.

6.  FROM 6:30 - 7:00:  We will tune instruments, following the tuning procedures we use in class.  Sixth grade band will play warm-ups on stage.

7.  DURING THE PERFORMANCE:  No talking, no cell phones.  Please show the performers the same respect that you want to receive when you are on stage.  You are a musician, and musicians don’t disrespect other musicians by talking or using a cell phone during a performance, they know better.  Please also silence your cell phone so that it does not ring during the performance.

8.  AFTER YOU PERFORM:  Students will file off of the stage, and may sit in the audience with their family.  Except, if 8th graders are doing a combined performance with the SGHS band, they need to return to their assigned seat and wait for that.  All band students are expected to stay for the entire concert.  It is very disrespectful to leave after your performance but before all the groups have performed.  It also means you are losing the opportunity to hear the more advanced bands, to hear what you have to look forward to and learn from their performance.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Symphony Field Trip - December 2

Dear band parents,

Students who turned in at least $100 during our donations drive fundraiser will go on a field trip to hear the North Carolina Symphony perform in concert in Raleigh.  Here are the details:

When?  Friday, December 2, during normal school hours.  Students should check in to their home room, and then come to the band room so that we can load the busses at 8:45.  We will get back to the school in time for students to go home on their normal bus or be picked up in the car circle like normal at 3:45.

What do we wear?  Students are required to wear formal black & white attire, just like we will wear when we perform our concerts.  We dress up because formal attire is expected at a Symphony concert, and it is a way to show respect to the world-class musicians on stage.  From our class syllabus: Boys wear black pants and a white collared shirt (not a t-shirt). Ties are optional but highly recommended. Girls can wear a black dress, black dress pants and a white shirt, a black skirt, etc.

What about lunch?  We will stop at a McDonalds / Wendys on the way back, so please give your child some money to spend there.

Questions? Contact Mr Dickson at

Here are some of our students dressed in their black and white at a concert from a few years ago, for example: